It's so amazing how God opens one door in our lives and at the same time allow us to see so many other opportunities at the same time. When adoption became a part of our lives we never realized how much it would change our attitude on our lives in other areas. My heart is overflowing for the need of orphans and the care they need along with the needs of others around us. I'm talking not wants but daily survival needs. We are so blessed and have never known what is to truly need for our survival. We have only a short amount of time here on this planet to either hoard all our belongings, which aren't ours to begin with, or we can open our hands and give back to those in need. I asked for Shoes for Orphan Souls a few weeks ago and today Christi and Aaron gave me 26 pairs of shoes they purchased with the intent of getting more in the next couple of weeks. They too are adopting and are saving to bring home a little girl. However, they too see the need and have the same attitude that it isn't our money in the first place. God is letting us use it to provide for our needs. If we want to be more like Jesus then we must become obsessed with knowing Him personally, reading about how He lived His life on Earth, and his commands for us.
I love listening and reading Francis Chan's books and videos. We watched him in bible study last week and he reminds me over and over that this life is not about us and our comfort. It's about giving and telling others about Christ. He says that people who are obsessed with Jesus live lives that connect them with the poor in some way or another. Obsessed people believe that Jesus talked about money and the poor so often because it was really important to Him. (Also read 1John 2:4-6 and Matthew 16:24-26). Chan challenges us to intentionally meet people who don't live like I do or think like I do, people who could never repay me. God wants to stretch us and to use us. To be a Christian is willing to be conformed by growing, serving and trusting that He will provide our daily bread. It's knowing that we brought nothing into this world and we can't take nothing our of it.
So pray how God can use you and take you out of your comfort zone for those in need this week.
Thank you so much Aaron and Christi for being the hands and feet of Jesus! We love you guys.
I have also attached a video by Matthew West called My Own Little World. There is one line that says "God break my heart for what breaks yours." This is what I want so desperately for our family. To have open hearts so they can see the love of Christ through us.
Step out in faith this week!
What a beautiful afternoon we had. The kiddos were thrilled to go outside this afternoon and hang out with the neighbor kids. They ended up getting the dads to play a game of kickball. We are so blessed to have such wonderful neighbors.
Jeff snapped a couple pictures on his phone after I brought the boys home for a drink.
A friend of mine who sells thirty-one products wants to have an open house to raise money for our adoption. She is donating all of her commission towards our adoption! Sweet!! So on March 17 at 1:00 there will be an open house at our house for you to look at some of the products, ask questions and order products. If you are not familiar with these products they are a Christian based company who sells very cute purses, bags, and organizational items which can be personalized. You can visit their site at
If are not able to make it to the open house but want a product you see on their site just let me know and I will make sure it gets ordered.
Hope to see you all on the 17th!