Thursday, June 7, 2012

Enjoying a break has been so nice to have a break and to let the kiddos relax and enjoy their summer. Livy made a sampler for me yesterday that simply says "today is not tomorrow." I asked her what she meant by that, and she said ,"to not worry about tomorrow and enjoy today." Such wisdom from a nine year old. So enjoy your today!

Working on our summer reading. Even though school is out I am still focusing their summer around the Charlotte Mason style learning we do in school. We will be doing a lot of reading, nature walks, playing, and as long as mom can handle it only 30 minutes of television a day for all of us.

Picking mommy flowers has been happening a lot around here. Everything is in bloom.

Livy has been busy working on samplers. She is wanting to sell them at Christmas time to raise money for orphanages.

Of course, lots of swimming. Hopefully we won't keep this boy out of the water this year with a broken arm.

Resting after swimming. They are all exhausted at bedtime.

                    Livy playing school with her American Girl dolls. I think she has inherited the teaching gene from her mom.
My project last week. I have always wanted a garden like this....organized.  I love organization. I don't know why, but when everything is organized and has a it's own spot I'm one happy girl. So, why not in the garden? I love how every veggie and fruit has their own box. Jeff, Josh and Matt made the boxes for me and I added the mulch between them last week so there are no more weeds to mess with. Now all we need is some rain. 
The boys working hard. Thanks guys!!