2 months today....full of smiles, holding her head up, eating cereal before bed, sleeping five hours at night before waking to eat again, and so lovable

Our first stop was to Indiana's first state capitol. |
Visiting the first state capitol building. |
Also in Corydon, the Constitutional Elm. They really enjoyed this spot. |
Right outside of Corydon we visited the location where the most northern battle of the Civil War took place. |
We also visited the Pioneer Village at the park. The main attraction here was Girst Mill. This mill is 196 years old and still running. They really enjoyed watching the mill operate. |
A great view at the park. |
It was a fun but long day of learning. Time for a little fun swimming at the lodge we stayed at in Nashville. |
The first night we were there the kids had the whole pool to themselves. They were so worn out by bed time. |
The next day Jeff took Livy and Josh on an hour boat ride through a cave. They really enjoyed this. |
After the cave ride the rest of us joined them at the cave to do some sifting for treasures. |
They found a lot of stones they got to bring home as souvenirs. |
After the caves we went back to Brown County State Park to walk the trails. |
This was quite the work out for Momma. |
Jeff and Livy enjoyed riding the trails on horseback. |
While Jeff and Livy were out on their horses Josh stayed and rode the pony. Nate didn't want any part of riding any kind of horse. |
On our last day we took advantage of the beautiful view to snap some pictures. Afterwards we headed off to do some site seeing in Nashville. |
It was so nice to take a couple of days to relax and learn at the same time. |