I think Every momma needs time to get away and relax. Not only does it give us time to unwind and reflect, but it makes us better mom's to our families. This weekend I went away some of my dearest friends to do some catching up, shopping, laughing, eating pie together in hotel beds while watching a movie, and to top it off going to a Beth Moore conference. Today Beth talked about how important and vital it is to have girlfriends in our lives. Not the number of friends we have on our social media sites, but real face to face girlfriends. I love my hubby with all my heart and can't imagine my life without him. However, I also can't imagine my life without my sweet girlfriends to share our joys and trials together. We have seen each other at our most highest and lowest parts of our lives. We have cried, laughed uncontrollable, praised God, shared secrets, and prayed through life together. Only God can orchestrate such a beautiful thing as our friendships. I pray we will continue to grow and only become closer until our final time here on Earth. You are all a blessing from above and I truly cherish you all. Love you all my sweet sisters!

Me and my tas phials (new Anceint Greek word I learned today for girlfriends) at the Beth Moore conference. There's nothing like worshipping and getting into the word together with your most cherished friends.
I never get tired of going to see Beth Moore speak. She is so transparent and down to earth. But also so full of knowledge and loves the Lord with all of her being. Today she spoke to 190,000 of my sisters in Christ!
Travis Contrell and the very talented worship team is always a special treat. I could listen to them all day.
If you ever get the chance to go hear her speak I highly recommend it. I promise you, you will leave filled and overflowing with then Holy Spirit burning inside you!