Sunday, February 14, 2016

Catch Up......

What can I say, life has been busy at our place. I'm realllllly going to try and  to get back into the grove of the blogging business for the sake of the kiddos. I know years from now they will enjoy going back and remembering their childhood. So for today I will play a little catch up with what life has been like at our little abode.

Nate played a shepherd in the Christmas program at church. 

Maddy was a lamb. 

Boys at breakfast with Santa
Annual picture with Santa (Maddy refused to get her picture taken without mommy)

Maddy got her first haircut! Jeff thinks she looks like Bonnie from Toy Story.

Making Christmas cookies.

I don't think they will ever get to old to make them.

We visited Great Grandma Christmas morning.

It was so cute how Maddy held her hand as we walked the halls.

Time to celebrate New Year's Eve with our annual get together with friends. Maddy enjoys hanging out with her buddy Emery!

Time for a tea party....this happen quite frequently around here now with a two year old. 

What snow we've had this winter they have enjoyed playing in it. 

Maddy and pudding are not a good combination!

Making snow ice cream. Yummy!

It's rough being a daddy :)

Liv was with Jeff when he got a doe this year. She was so excited...Jeff was a little bit too.

Do I need to say more!

There was a little excitement that the Bronco's won the Super Bowl this year!! 

Nate busy working on his go-cart they got for Christmas. 

The plan was to have it all put together by Christmas  for them. However, several parts were back ordered. It worked out though. Now they get to build it with dad. 

In October we were blessed with some wonderful new neighbors! They have four girls and our kiddos are beyond thrilled to being hanging out with them. Here's Liv with Josie. Plan on seeing lots of pictures of them together this summer!

Liv's girls group at church made 150 pillowcase dresses for girls in Africa. It was such an awesome experience for these girls to work together to help those in need. They pulled an all nighter this night to finish them up. 

While the snow is falling today, we are looking forward to the warm, lazy days of  hanging out at  the pond again!!