This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Today is one of my favorite days of the year. The first beautiful, warm Sunday of the year. A day to go praise Him and hear His word in the morning (and to find out that another momma is pregnant- that's 8!). A day to enjoy all His beauty and embrace the hope of Spring with our family. The first bike ride of the year. The first day to open all the windows and let the fresh air flow through the house. The first cookout of the year. The first day to tinker around outside. The first sunburn of the year. A day to get out all the summer pots and prepare for the summer garden. A day just to count all our blessings and relax. These days at home are days I wouldn't trade for any vacation anywhere in the world. I think God may have made these days so we can have a glimpse of heaven.
First day of playing in the sprinkler. |
First day of swinging on the porch swing with my baby and realizing how big he's getting. |
Daddy took the night off work so we could have our first smores of the year!! |
Even Annie loves these days. |