Monday, November 28, 2011

Christmas Songs

I just love Christmas songs. We started singing them at church yesterday and it was so good to hear about the birth or Christ. K Love has on their website a Christmas radio you can listen to online. Here's one I really like by Casting Crowns. Looking forward to the true meaning of this season. Blessings

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

We spent a relaxing Thanksgiving day at home this year. Here's a peek at what we did. Hope you all had a wonderful day too!

Kiddos were in and out helping me cook.
In between cooking they watched the parade with daddy.

First turkey I've ever made.

Time to eat!

Make a wish!

The rest of the afternoon the kiddos and I played while daddy took a nap. He has to go in at 3 am tonight. After his nap we got the Christmas tree out and set up.  We then had dinner, which was pie, while watching the Polar Express. . (We were to full to have it with lunch earlier.) Then decorated the tree, cleaned up then off to bed. Hopefully tomorrow we can get the outside decorations up.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Christmas Boxes

Sunday after church the kids came home and emptied their piggy banks to buy gifts for Operation Christmas Child. Our church does this project every year and the kids get so excited about doing it. What it is,  that they each get to fill a shoe box up with gifts for another child somewhere around the world. They get to choose the gender and age of the child which make it even better for them. The church then sends the boxes to Samaritan's Purse who will then disperse the boxes. It is so fun for them knowing that they are able to make another child happy on Christmas. They also include and written card for the child telling a little about themselves and that Jesus loves them. It's just a little way for them to realize that it is not all about them this time of the year. Have a blessed day!

Filling up their boxes with lots of goodies!

Monday, November 7, 2011

National Adoption Month

This is National Adoption Month. As you continue to keep our unknown little girl in your prayers, please pray this month for all of the children that go to bed tonight without a mommy or daddy to tell them they love them.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Part of the teaching method we use is teaching the kids to do and fix things around the house. Today Jeff was to teach Josh how to change the washers in the laundry room sink. He and the boys headed out to town to get the items needed. Came home and started to work on the sink and realized they bought the wrong size. So he and the boys headed back to town again. Instead they came home with a whole new faucet. Anyway, Josh learned how to replace a faucet and I guess will learn how to change the washers later. On the other hand Olivia has been helping me do laundry, and that includes making the laundry soap. I have been making my own laundry soap for two years and I can't believe how much money we save by making it ourselves. Normally when buy the laundry soap it is costing you $.71 a load when you make it yourself it cost $.1 a load. That savings really adds up. We also save on our electric bill by hanging out our clothes in the nice weather.  So if you want to make your own laundry soap here's the recipe I use. Go to   I usually triple it so I don't have to make it as often.  I also use 1 C. of Borax and 1 C. of washing soda instead of the 1/2 C. of each they call for. It really works and Olivia really likes helping me make it.

Working out her muscles making laundry soap.