Sunday, August 25, 2013

We started back to school last week. I was really going to put it off until the first week of Sept. but Maddy is such a good baby that she made it easy for us to go ahead and get going. Maddy is doing great! We have her on a pretty good schedule of eating, sleeping and awake/play time right now. Her older siblings are in love with her!

Getting their surprises ready for the first day of school.

For the last two years I have enjoyed giving them "Agape" gifts for the first day.
Cakes for morning snack.

And 7-Up with some words of encouragement.

Going on our sixth year of homeschooling. I can't believe its been that long all ready.

Our crazy first day pic.

Miss Livy starting 5th grade.

Josh Man starting 3rd.

Mr. Nate doing Pre-K again this year.

And Miss Maddy starting Pre-baby

She discovered her thumb this week also works as a pacifier. Going to have to break that really quick.

Hanging out with big sister watching Little House.

Enjoying a little playtime today in Zeck's pool.  These two think they look like George and Martha Washington. Crazy girls!

A perfect day to go swimming!

Even Maddy likes hanging out on the side. It won't be long until we are chasing her around the pool. 

Have a great week!

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Madison LeeAnne

Miss Madison made her appearance August 11. Words cannot express the feelings we felt as we witnessed her arrival into this world. The past two years of anticipation never prepared us for the love we would feel for holding her for the first time.The past two years never prepared us for the emotional high and lows we experienced in a 48 hour period after her birth. What the past two years did do was prepare us and mold us that when you choose to obey He will bless you in ways you could never imagine. He taught us what it means to totally trust Him and let go. Too often in the first year of the adoption process we wanted God to be in control but we were also pulling the strings thinking we would assist Him along the way. In that first year nothing happened. It wasn't until we both cried out to Him and recognized that we weren't truly putting all our hope and faith in Him that the doors opened in ways that blew us away and everyone that heard and will continue to hear our story. Madison's little life built our faith like nothing either one of us experienced. People often say they don't see miracles happening any more, but we are living proof that they do. Let go and let God have control of whatever He is calling you to do. He will provide all you need at the time you need it to see the blessing arise. Along with that, we were not only blessed with Madison, but with building our friendships with our dear friends, church family, and family who showered us with more love, support and prayers than we could have ever imagined. We love you all and thank you from the bottom of our hearts for being there every step of the way. And then there's Julia. Our words can't express how grateful we are to you for choosing life for Madison and then entrusting her to us. The only way we know how to thank you is to honor you and to love Madison the rest of our lives. Julia, you said it best that this is a beautiful love story that only God could have orchestrated. To God be the glory!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

What happened to summer? I can't believe it's already August! Our fun list of summer activities barley got touched as things have come up, Jeff's surgery resulted in a lot of family time at home, church camps, bible school, and of course getting ready for baby. If baby doesn't make her appearance by Monday we are going to go ahead and start school and wait for her arrival then take a week or so off. Sorry I haven't done a great job of keeping up on pics lately. Here are just a few from the last couple of weeks.

Enjoying an afternoon tea party.

I found a few really nice garage sales and filled up the clothes line twice with clothes for the baby.

Having dinner with our friends at church.

We have sunflowers blooming in the garden. The kiddos really enjoy seeing all of the butterflies they attract. Jeff doesn't like them because they are taking nutrients away from the tomato plants. I can't please them all.

Livy and Nate rockin it out at the library program.

Kris and I took the kiddos to Kokomo Beach a few weeks ago. We spent all afternoon there. They had a blast.

Josh and Caleb being goofy at bible school this week.

I found these old windows at a garage sale last week and Jeff turned them into this cabinet for me. I love it!

Here are some pics Livy took at church camp last week. Here they ride the tire swing over this muddy water and fall in.

Livy and Laney in their hut. When I picked her up she was wearing the same clothes I dropped her off in. She got all of her other ones muddy from the tire swing.

Her group getting ready to go canoeing.

Playing a game of volleyball.

Part of her group going down the mud slide.

And for you enjoyment..... Andrea and I having our 'Lucy and Ethel' moment. As we were organizing clothes for back to school give away last week, I found these HUGE pair of jeans. So Andrea says "I bet we both can fit into those." The next thing I know we are both getting into these jeans trying not to fall down or pee our pants from laughing so hard. Oh my, what we do for a good laugh.

This has been our song around here lately. It's a good reminder that know matter what is going on in our lives it's all a blessing from above.