Enjoying an afternoon tea party. |
I found a few really nice garage sales and filled up the clothes line twice with clothes for the baby. |
Having dinner with our friends at church. |
Livy and Nate rockin it out at the library program. |
Kris and I took the kiddos to Kokomo Beach a few weeks ago. We spent all afternoon there. They had a blast. |
Josh and Caleb being goofy at bible school this week. |
I found these old windows at a garage sale last week and Jeff turned them into this cabinet for me. I love it! |
Here are some pics Livy took at church camp last week. Here they ride the tire swing over this muddy water and fall in. |
Livy and Laney in their hut. When I picked her up she was wearing the same clothes I dropped her off in. She got all of her other ones muddy from the tire swing. |
Her group getting ready to go canoeing. |
Playing a game of volleyball. |
Part of her group going down the mud slide. |
This has been our song around here lately. It's a good reminder that know matter what is going on in our lives it's all a blessing from above.

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