8 months old (she won't leave the board alone any longer)
Daddy and Livy bought this dress for her last week at the hunting store. They insisted she wear it for this pic.
weighs 18 lbs, getting up on all fours, starting to mimic facial expressions, experienced first time of being sick, loves being read to, moved out of her infant car seat to a big girl car seat (my back is relieved), gives kisses
Livy was a big help to Jeff when I was down with the flu.
Josh was a big help taking care of his baby sister when she had the flu.
Livy at her sping concert.
Having some game time with mom
Boys finding bugs outside.
Nate going to the hunting store with dad.
Finally, we can play outside!

Nate wanted to go to the zoo for his birthday. It was a beautiful day.
Liv touching a shark.
At the butterfly garden.
Momma and her kiddos.
Maddy checking out the flamingo.
Livy was excited she got to hold this bird.
Josh with the flamingos.

What do you think Nate wanted to see first? Of course the penguins!
Look mom! I see the....
lemurs! The second animal he wanted to see.
Livy with the group of girls she went with from church to enjoy the Believe conference. They had a blast and are already talking about going back next year.
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