These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Deuteronomy 6:6-7
Jeff and I have been in great prayer since September about the the kids education. Without hearing a clear word from Him, we decided last fall that the following year we would enroll them in school. However, we continued to pray asking if this was His will and we both feel that is not His plan. In our hearts we feel uneasy about sending them as we have seen the success they have had here at home. To be totally honest I have not felt at peace about sending them since praying about it since September. But after we both agreed and feel that this is His will to continue home schooling, I have peace again that can only be from Him. The verse above is one I have stood upon since we first decided to do this and I still feel that this is the way He wants us to raise our children. I know if I send them to school we will no longer have the say as what they learn and our goal has always been to teach them from a classical and creationist point of view which stands on God's truths. I don't want them getting a mixed signal from the textbooks they would be getting at school from God's actual truth. I am so amazed at how when Olivia sees something in public about being millions of years old she speaks right up and says that it is impossible since there was no world then. Because of the education she is getting at home she is all ready seeing God in other areas of her life. I don't think this would have happened if she was not being educated in His truths everyday.
Jeff and I ask for your continued support in our decision (for we feel it is really His decision) and your encouraging words and prayers are always appreciated.
Love, Sara
"I believe it would be much better for everyone if children were given their start in education at home. No one understands a child as well as his mother, and children are so different that they need individual training and study. A teacher with a room full of pupils cannot do this. At home, too, they are in their mother’s care. She can keep them from learning immoral things from other children.”
~Laura Ingalls Wilder
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