Sunday, May 27, 2012

Last day of school

We wrapped up our school year on Friday with schooling in the morning and lunch at the park. This year seemed to fly by, which I think a lot of it had to do with the curriculum we used this year.  Last summer I read and researched Charlotte Mason and her methods of teaching. I felt that this was the way we were to go and took off with it this year. The kiddos really enjoyed this year and we had a lot less stress and tears. We will be sticking with this method as I think it works best for all of us. I will be spending the next month getting organized, scheduling, and purchasing books. If all goes as planned we will be starting back up in July, which they are not thrilled about. However, I want to allow for extra time in our calendar in case we are able to go adopt our little one sometime in the school year. Until then, they will spend the summer finishing up softball, football, going to church camp, doing the summer reading program, enjoying a week of VBS, working on 4-H projects, going to Lake Michigan, and lots of swimming.
We are so proud of the both of you!

We went to the nature center at the park for our last day. Livy really liked holding the turtle.

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