....it means thanksgiving. Last month I read the book One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp. Other than the Bible, this book has transformed my thinking and living. One Thousand Gifts...it's a challenge then it becomes your way of thinking sinking into the attitude of everyday. To give thanks to God for everything in your life, no matter the circumstance. To take time and realize when there is a gift right in front of you and embracing it. To pursue this life to the fullest and enjoying the moment. To slow down, and give thanks because,
" Eucharisteo always precedes the miracle."
I started my list of One Thousand Gift on October 20th. Today I listed my 100th gift. Everyday the scales are being peeled away from my eyes to see the smallest gifts He has given me. Moments that I have always taken for granted are now being seen in a new and thankful light...a light of eucharisteo. Gifts that He has given me to capture and hold onto because this life goes to fast not to savor every single gift He has lavishly given a sinner like me. I, we, must take time to be still, enjoy and capture the smallest of these gifts. Above all we must be thankful to the one who has given them to us. |
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