Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter 2013

Happy Easter from us and our three kiddos!

Our sweet little gentlemen!

Friday, March 29, 2013

Basset Hound

What's better than a Basset Hound?

Two Basset Hounds!
Meet Belle our latest addition. We got a call yesterday that this little girl needed a home. She was adopted last week but the owner was unable to keep her and called the breeder to see if she would take her back and was unable. The breeder, also the same lady we adopted Allie from,  called us to see if we would take her.  Allie was lonely and we figured she would enjoy a playmate. She's a cutie.

Also, our homestudy was approved and finalized today!! This means that they can begin showing our profile book to expecting parents. 

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Enjoying the end of winter......

Since Sara hasn't updated anyone in over a week I thought I'd add my 2 cents worth.....

Making snow angels

Enjoying the last snow of the year together

I'm king of the hill!!!!

I'm queen of the hill!!!

Pushing a big snowball
They are so cute nose to nose like this!

Friday, March 15, 2013

Our week

Just transferred pictures off of the camera from this week. So much to be thankful for, however, Livy had a stomach ache all week and after a trip to the doctor it seems we had some... ahem....backed up issues. She is doing much better today and was able to take a long bike ride this afternoon. Here's what we did this week.

#523 Last Friday was date night with Livy and Jeff. We went out to dinner.

 Then we went to a concert. One of Liv's favorite singers, JJ Heller, was to be performing however she wasn't there. Unfortunately we left after the first act.  Lets just say it was extremely loud and not what we considered worship music. Thankfully they gave us our money back. I felt bad for Livy as she was so disappointed.  

Saturday Livy decided she wanted to make Allie some dog biscuits.

#555 A boy's messy room because they are so involved in their imaginary play.

#556  Giving them boxes to make play houses out of.

#563 Nate painting and being a little to expressive.


#565 Josh got his new violin today. He was so excited to learn the strings and play it today. I need to get Nate on his now. 

#528- Last Saturday we were blessed again with another check from some dear friends towards the adoption. We are so amazed at how in the last month God has used our so many of our friends to bring us within $1000 of what the total cost will be. We could never thank you all enough for supporting us with your love, encouragement, funding, and walking with us in this season.
  We love you all so much. 

#567 Hearing a new song that says exactly how you feel.

It's so true- Eucharisteo- thanksgiving always precedes the miracle. 
Since I have started my gratitude journal and being truly grateful for the smallest things, I have seen and experienced so many blessings. From the smallest ones I never would have considered before as a gift of the moment to the larger ones that I have been floored by.

#568 Just got a text form Aaron and Christi- they could be have their little one in their arms in three weeks! Eucharisteo!!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Snow Day....kinda of

We did kinda of a snow day around here today. I told them that if they worked hard in school all morning and got the things we had to get done finished, then they could have a snow day after lunch. Man, I should give them this motivation everyday! I think Josh did his math in record time today without a bit of complaint.

Before heading right out we made snow ice cream for an after lunch treat.

Use a little bit of milk, sugar, and vanilla.

Add fresh snow.

Then stir, stir, stir

Add your favorite topping


After ice cream, we went out for the afternoon to enjoy lots of snow play!

Sunday, March 3, 2013


Jeff is wrapping up his weekend from being on the banquet team. He has had an awesome weekend with friends and co-workers both there as guests and part of the team. I have been in touch with him throughout the weekend and he has always had an amazing story of how God is working in the men 's lives. On Friday he gave a talk on God's Gift of Grace. This talk was a difficult one for him to give as he had to share things in his personal life, however, God is always faithful. It was a reminder to me that God will turn what Satan intended to be hurtful and even try to destroy us,  into good if we give grace and allow him the chance to move freely in our lives. I am so proud of him for speaking the truth this weekend and by answering the call to lead and help men with their walk with Christ. Above is our small group (with a few absent in this pic.) that we cherish deeply. Some were able to come and pray Jeff in and listen to his talk on Friday (or pray from home with a sick kiddo-thanks Brittany :). We are so blessed to have friends in our lives that show us love, grace, keep us accountable, and support us know matter what. We love you all!