Sunday, March 3, 2013


Jeff is wrapping up his weekend from being on the banquet team. He has had an awesome weekend with friends and co-workers both there as guests and part of the team. I have been in touch with him throughout the weekend and he has always had an amazing story of how God is working in the men 's lives. On Friday he gave a talk on God's Gift of Grace. This talk was a difficult one for him to give as he had to share things in his personal life, however, God is always faithful. It was a reminder to me that God will turn what Satan intended to be hurtful and even try to destroy us,  into good if we give grace and allow him the chance to move freely in our lives. I am so proud of him for speaking the truth this weekend and by answering the call to lead and help men with their walk with Christ. Above is our small group (with a few absent in this pic.) that we cherish deeply. Some were able to come and pray Jeff in and listen to his talk on Friday (or pray from home with a sick kiddo-thanks Brittany :). We are so blessed to have friends in our lives that show us love, grace, keep us accountable, and support us know matter what. We love you all!

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