Sunday, May 5, 2013


What a week we have had! Livy turned 10, we had our last day of school, Josh's first football game and other ball games and activities have kept us on the go. I never got around to blogging each one so here's a hodgepodge of what we've been up to this week.

Livy turned 10 on Thursday so we let her choose a field trip for school and she decided on Conner Prairie. We had not been there since they have opened the Civil War section. It was really neat and educational for them. Here we are in a school house.  Below Josh is sending a telegraph.
Josh and Nate liked seeing the hot air balloon going up and down. Here they are in a pretend one.
This one was also taken in the Civil War section. I think I am going to have it copied in black and white and hang it up in the school room. It is a good reminder that we are laying down the rails as long as they are in our care along with Proverbs 3:6.
Afterwards we took Livy out to eat for her birthday to Red Robin.
In the evening Livy had her Keepers at Home ceremony. Keepers is a part of our homeschool co-op that teaches girls various activities that trains them to be homemakers someday. This year she learned about gratitude, photography, cooking, and scrap-booking.
This year she earned 3 gold and 1 silver pin. We now take a break from Keepers until next fall..
Here's her display at the Keepers program. 

On Friday we wrapped up our last day of school. We started on July 23 which I am so glad that we did now. It was so hot and sticky then making it the perfect time to start. We now get to enjoy the beautiful month of May outside. Josh is a little excited to be moving onto 3rd grade. I can't believe how fast they are growing up.
Here they are with there grade completion certificates. We are so proud of you kiddos!
On Saturday we finished up the rest of Livy's birthday. She didn't want a party this year, but wanted to go with Lanie and Maryn to see a Purdue softball game. So Andrea and I took them over yesterday to watch the big girls play. I think Liv was amazed at how fast they can throw the ball making it difficult to score a point.
Josh man kicked off flag football season again today with daddy as one of the coaches.
He and daddy were excited to be playing on the Broncos team this year.
He made a touchdown in the first game of the season! I don't know who was most excited, Josh or Dad! Way to go buddy!!

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