Monday, August 29, 2011

Just another day...

Just took the pictures off the camera and here's a look of what we've been up to the last couple of days...
Liv and Josh playing in the rain.

Josh as Popeye. It is now the boys favorite cartoon.

The next couple of pictures are from a church pool party we had Sunday. The kids all enjoy hanging out together.(We missed your family Brittany!)

We love our church family soooo much.

On the days Jeff is sleeping, Liv and Josh each take turns playing with Nate while I teach the other one. Olivia has really enjoyed teaching Nate. I think she got the teacher gene from me. I can imagine her teaching someday.

Here she is putting together a book of colors she made with him.

Another thing she got from me is the love of Laura Ingalls Wilder. She has read the book set we got her and now has discovered the TV series. She loves anything from that time period. She was so excited  when I gave her this bed cap I made for her yesterday. She had been wearing a doctors cap to bed before that. Now she wants me to make her matching pj's. I'll see what we can do.

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