The kiddos have been ready for weeks to carve out their pumpkins. I put it off as long as I can because I know that in the end I will be the one with my hand in three pumpkins taking out the cold, slimy junk. Daddy gets the fun job of making the faces. Why do mama's always get the dirty jobs, while daddy gets to have all the fun. Tonight (nothing like waiting until the last minute) I am making their costumes for tomorrow night. Wish me luck.
So last night Jeff and I tucked the kiddos into bed and were enjoying a nice fire outside. About fifteen minutes later Olivia comes out and said she's decided she's ready to get her ears pierced. Last time she thought she was ready she got in the chair and decided that having a needle go through her ear was not so appealing. We talked to her about it and told her she would have to be brave. So this morning I took her in as soon as they opened, as fear she would change her mind, and bravely had her dainty ears pierced. She was so brave. She did the first one and I could see her eyes water up, and I was so scared she wouldn't her do the other one. She held my hand tightly and fought back any tears for the second. She is so proud of herself and looks so cute.
I took off the pictures I had on the camera from the last couple of days. We took a field trip to the museum on Thursday to check out the new exhibits; frogs and ancient Egypt, which we are studying in school right now. Friday the kiddos spent the night with Ma and Pa so Jeff and I could have a much needed date night. We finally got to see Courageous. It was terrific! I cried and laughed all the way through it. It is defiantly one we will be getting when it comes out DVD. Saturday Jeff did some house projects while I took the kids out back to take a walk along the creek. I love taking them out into the woods where there is always something new to discover. Have a great week!
Checking out one of the many frogs from around the world.
Digging for artifacts in ancient Egypt.
I just love this picture of a curious Nate in the woods. He is trying to figure out why the trees are making noises.
They love hanging out at the creek.
Josh loves throwing the leaves in the air and having them land on him.
As we are going through this adoption process our desires and wants have not seem so important any longer. As we are looking at these countries we see how very blessed we are. At times I feel sick about how selfish Americans really are always wanting the newest, biggest and best of everything while there are children starving to death or sleeping on the floor. We are really wanting our kids to see this and Olivia is already wanting to know when we can go on a missions trip to another country. When the kids are older I would love to take mission trips with them and their friends to other countries and to develop a servants heart for missions. So, this adoption has already been blessing us by opening our eyes to how great the need is and hopefully it may open the eyes of others to reach out and help in someway.
"Christians today like to play it safe. We want to put ourselves in situations where we are safe. But if we truly desire to please God, we cannot live that way. We have to do things that cost us during our life on earth but will be more than worth in eternity." Francis Chan
Not much going on around here this week. We have been enjoying the absolutely perfect weather. I wish I could bottle it up for the cold days to come. This weekend Jeff is off and we plan on working around the house with my never ending list of things that need done before winter. I'm hoping the farmer gets his beans in across the street today or tomorrow so I can get the windows washed. They are sooo filthy. Sunday evening there are 35 of us from church going to see Courageous and then dinner. I can't wait to see it! I'll let you know how great it is. The adoption is now getting ready to start the home study portion. Which means that they get to come see how crazy our home is everyday. Have a great weekend. LOL!!
The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy. Psalm 126:3
Nate wanted Olivia to sleep with them this week. Poor Josh was so squished. They are so cute when they are asleep.
It was crazy hat night at Awana this week. Silly kids.