Josh asked Jesus into his heart tonight! We are so proud and excited for him. For the last couple of nights our topic during our family devotions has been about the second coming. They have been asking a lot of questions about this and are very concerned about those that will be left behind during that time. Tonight Livy reminded us that she will be going because she already asked Jesus to be her Savior. Before we laid the kiddos down Josh asked if He could ask Jesus into his heart. So we all gathered around our little man and Jeff prayed with him and Josh asked Jesus to be his Savior. I don't care how old you are, when you feel Him calling you, you should not put it off another day. It's funny because I am having the kiddos memorize Matthew 18 and we just memorized the first 5 verses where Jesus says,:
“Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me." Whom am I to tell my children they need to wait until they are older to ask Jesus into their hearts when He tells us we all should have hearts as innocent and trusting as little children.
We love you Josh man and we are so proud that you made the most important decision you will ever need to make!
That is so exciting!! Way to go Josh - welcome to God's family! :-)
Thanks! Do we know you?
You goof! We are only adopting our girls together!! LOL!!
Duh! Now I get it. No one said I was ever quick. LOL!!
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