Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The Next Chapter

God has been moving in a big way in our lives lately. Over the last year I have felt God speaking to me about adoption. Nothing huge. Just settle little hints that He would place in my path. I mentioned it to Jeff and he turned me down with his reasons so I let it go.  However I continued to feel the pulling of the Spirit. About four months ago Olivia came up to me and said that she had been praying about us adopting a child. I felt like my heart was coming out of my chest. She had not known that I had these feelings and now the Spirit was working in her young life only convicting me even more. I again brought it up to Jeff about three months ago and he didn't say yes but said it was something we could look into and pray about. About three weeks ago I was reading a book Choosing To See by Mary Beth Chapman, wife of Steven Curtis Chapman. They have adopted three girls and the whole time I fought back the tears and constantly felt the Spirit stirring inside me. Thinking I knew what Jeff would say, I approached  him again waiting to be shot down with a list of excuses.. Surprisingly he said that along with praying about it together he had also been praying about it in his quiet time and feels like this is something to get serious about. So we started our research, contacted an agency, gathered information. So last week for for our anniversary Jeff wrote me a beautiful letter about our life together being like a book with many chapters. He then said that it was time to start the new chapter and agreed to go through with the adoption process. So for our 15th anniversary we gave each other an adoption application which we filled out and sent in. We were approved for the first application and have started this new faith walk in our life. We are totally depending on God in taking each step with us and showing us which country He wants us to go to. We know that if this is His will then we are going to see some pretty amazing things take place. Our whole focus along this journey is to do this His way and giving Him all the glory each and every step so we can be a family for a little girl that needs to be loved. I feel like we are getting out of the boat like Jesus told his disciples and getting into the water. The thing about God is that He is so unpredictable. I never would have imagined us homeschooling our children or trying to adopt a child 15 years ago. I had our life all planned out in a neat little box and none of this was in my box. Just like this song below says, "But we will never know the awesome power of the grace of God  until we let ourselves get swept away into this holy flood. So if you'll take may hand we'll close our eyes and count to three and take a leap of faith." So please pray for us as we are diving in and going deep! We are also asking for everyone to join us in praying everyday for the mother of the child we may be blessed with. Pray for her health, decisions, and most importantly her salvation. Also for the child that may or may not be conceived yet. Blessings

 Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. 
James 1:27

1 comment:

Unknown said...

How exciting Sara!! We will be praying for you and the little girl God has in store for you:)