I have been trying to post for the last couple of weeks but every time I tried to upload pictures it said I had used up my storage and I needed to purchase more. I have been putting it off thinking it would stop asking me, but it happened to my friend too so I had to purchase more storage today. So we are back up and at em.
Before we start just a quick update on our adoption. As many of you know we have switched to domestic,along with agencies. We have just completed our home study (again) and we mailed out our paperwork today. I have to work on our portfolio for expected moms to look at, as the mothers choose which family they want their child to go to. So the time period of adopting a child could be either a short or long wait as it is in the mother's hands. We know that in God's time we will be blessed with a new life to love.
Now here's what we have been up to.....
Spent Thanksgiving at Grammy and Allen's. What a wild bunch! |
They all decorated Grammy and Allen's tree Thanksgiving night. |
Now we are into the Christmas season. We started out packing our Operation Christmas Boxes. The kids really enjoy packing and making cards for a child they will never meet. |
It seems that this month will fly by with all of the activities going on. Livy had her Keepers Christmas party today. Saturday they will be putting on their Christmas program at the nursing home and Olivia will play the piano. Boys will be entertaining us Sunday evening at church in their Christmas program. Next week is their Awana Christmas dinner and program.
In the midst of all of the programs and festivities we are trying to be still and remember the expectation of Christ's birth. We have limited the amount of screen time (computer, tv, iPod, etc.) going on in the house. I found these cute screen time charts at
http://www.ziggityzoom.com/activity/screentime-chart-keep-track-computer-tv-time to set a limit on the amount time they are to do these activities each day. This time of the year it easy for them to get caught up in the excitement of Christmas morning instead of the reason. We are trying to incorporate more Christmas hymns being played in the house throughout the day and time for them to be still by having our own advent time with them on Sunday evenings.
Be still and rejoice in the expectation of Christ's birth this season.