Thursday, December 22, 2011

3 days of serving

Ok, well I had planned on having our neighbor Jerry over for dinner this week. He lost his precious wife, Diane, to cancer in June. It has been very lonely without her next door. She was like another grandmother to the kiddos and was very involved in all our lives.  I know that this will be a hard Christmas for him and his family as her absence is so evident. Anyway, since Jeff has been sick everyday it doesn't look like that will happen until next week. So instead for today's count down we used some of our zucchini that we froze from the summer, and made bread for my grandmother in Michigan. We will mail it out to her tomorrow with some recent pictures of the kiddos. My grandfather passed away several years ago and I can imagine that every Christmas is hard for her also. So let's cherish every Christmas we have with those we love thanking Him for another year to be with them.

Making some bread for grandma Debbie.

If you have never heard this song ,The Christmas Shoes, have a Kleenex ready. It chokes me up everytime. If you ever get a chance to see the movie it's a great one to see.

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